Barbox Case Study
Project Type
Mobile website
2 weeks
Sketch, Invision
UX / UI + Visual Design
Most people enjoy a fine craft cocktail, not many of them feel comfortable enough to make one at home. Between the bizarre ingredients and complicated instructions, building a craft cocktail at home is not an easy feat.
Enter barbox - an on-demand craft cocktail delivery service. In under 2 hours, barbox delivers fresh, organic ingredients and easy instructions right to your door. Now you can be your own bartender.
I collaborated with three General Assembly Project Management Immersive students and two Web Development Immersive graduates. Over the course of two weeks I was the UX design consultant, focusing on research, UI, and visual design.
By the time I was involved with this project, the initial idea of a barbox had already been thought of by the PMi students. My role was to help them validate the need of a barbox and project how much people would be willing to pay for it. To do this, we conducted user interviews and built surveys to test the market. What we found was very encouraging.
drink craft cocktails
want to make cocktails at home
don't know how
are interested in a service like barbox
what we found
We found that SF was definitely a viable marketplace to give barbox a try. Not only do the vast majority of those surveyed enjoy cocktails, 60% are interested in a service like barbox. From our user interviews we also found that participants were willing to pay upwards of $60-$100.
Competitive Analysis
Price Per Drink
Price per box
Overall, barbox offers a 55% savings over its competitors and drinking in a bar.
Mobile website
Click below to see our mobile website redesign prototype.